Saturday, May 22, 2021


So we celebrate their remembrance, since we got sad when they left, we cried, we got depressed over their lost souls, we mourn their deaths,, yet when they were alive, we cared less, we were apart of their pain, we used to kill them everyday with our attitude towards their differences, we used to pin their esteem down, we made their lives death, like a halt to our peace,

Perhaps our hate, showed them the love we had and as they kept struggling to know us more, we pushed them away, so they saw hope in the afterlife, they felt that our guilt could give them joy, they opted to getting high, getting drunk, overdosing just to feel the peace of mind and when their pains got unbearable they gave up, they could have opted to be psychopaths and perhaps kill us or torture us to show them love but they chose otherwise,they gave up.

Addictions, depressions, health issues, accidents that kill the young aged, the ultimatum to our childhood friends and families, our sad episodes, some of us started drinking, smoking just to forget them but the elderly say death is inevitable and this kills our hopes, we miss them everyday, we hope to see them again and we envy that it was their end and not ours, we all want them back,so as we remember them, let's not forget the circle of our friends, let's us still love the ones we still have.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

y'all sent him to an early grave

Y'all sent him to an early grave
With the noise, the arguments, the blames, the complaining, the shouting, the cursing, the cringing, the clicks, the bangs, the pressure, the cold shoulders.

Y'all sent him to an early grave
With the depression he used to fight off with beer, With the mistrust that ran through the family, the unfinished projects you pointed fingers at him, the lost funds you raised eyebrows to him, the broken blood you said it was his fault, the gossip in town you thought because of him, the fact that you won't push through you assumed his was your barrier to success. 

Y'all sent him to an early grave
With the laughing you forged to get favors, the false thoughts you made him believe, the shame you felt when you walked with him, the force you thought could change him, the emptiness, the walk away whenever he started talking sense, the back bites even if he was correct, the sadness you gave him yet all he wanted was love. 

Y'all sent him to an early grave
Thinking his burnt liver was causing problems yet his broken heart was failing, thinking medicine was his cure yet peace could cure his soul, thinking that a psychologist could make him straight yet quality family times were all he wanted, thinking funny comebacks would keep him quite yet respect was what he deserved, thinking teaming up against him could isolate his complains yet all they gave him was loneliness... he turned to an empty nerve, a cold desert, he made alcohol his joy, his thoughts were his closure, they gave him confidence to speak out his pain and all you heard were complains, he felt alive with that painful intake since all your presence did was to make him scarce, he saw everything working since in your eyes he was useless because of his bottle, 
You managed to turn everything against him his grave was what you all aimed for...
....Y'all pulled his trigger