Friday, February 28, 2020


He stares for awhile then tells how he's bored,how his day got wasted by the fact that he had to study then grumbles about assignment how they always seem more and it never gets better for they get difficult and tougher as it adds up, he can curse and then tells you you're weird for you just stood there to listen.

Yet still I have no say since he keeps record so he'll use it in our argument later,so I smile and hope our walk gets shorter,I need to arrive to my hostel perhaps get some sleep or catch up with an episode of blindspot,though he stops talking and wants a story from me since all these evening walks he's been doing most of the talking.

I try telling him about this day,how the lectures sucked,how my mind was off during the Bible study but no I  just ask him if he can have some tea,we approaching our gate and he denies as always and so I would say goodnight but he'll say that's ment for a text,then waves and goes the opposite direction.

Then this would happen for more than five nights,till he asks for a hug sometime takes tea or supper and I see him to be a friend nothing else but it then grows intense and he wants to date me,takes me out for dinner and I then learn that his past relationship nearly killed him.

But he needs to know I can't be this perfect creature he wants,I easily give up and go wrong more than once though the times am remorseful I mean it and this feeling can easily wear off if I'm not given a listening ear since I've got this strange innocence with a bit of ignorance.

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